Infringement Policy

We value copyright protection and respect the intellectual property rights of others. If you believe that infringes your copyright, we ask that you contact us immediately.

     Copyright Complaint: If you are the legitimate copyright owner or their agent and you believe that any content on infringes your copyright, please send us a written complaint.

     Content of the copyright complaint: Your copyright complaint should contain the following information:

     a. A detailed description of the work to which you have legal copyrights.

     b. Specific links to the in question or other information that allows the infringement to be clearly identified.

     c. Your contact information, including name, address, telephone number and email address.

     i.e. A statement by you that you are the copyright owner or its authorized representative.

     Actions: Upon receipt of your copyright complaint, we will take appropriate action as soon as possible. Subject to applicable law, we may remove content or restrict access.

     Counter-Notification: If you believe that we have inadvertently removed or restricted access to your work, you may send us a counter-notification in writing.

     Content of the counter-notification: Your counter-notification should contain the following information:

     a. Specific links to the removed or restricted content, or other information that allows the content in question to be uniquely identified.

     b. Your contact information, including name, address, telephone number and email address.

     c. A statement by you that you agree that the removed or restricted content does not infringe the copyright of any third party, or that you have permission to use it.

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